SFL, PlayLa.bZ, PsychFi, FreekMinds & MONDO 2000 History Project Present. R. U. CYBER

Calling Spaceship Earth!

A cosmic three-day multi-dimensional motion arts happening for curious minds, blurring the cultural movement boundaries of Sci-Fi, Surrealism, Psychedelic, Cybernetic and Cli-Fi artivism.

Join us at Rich Mix, to explore counter cyber-culture and how hyper-connected communication media alters our environment and hacks human states of consciousness, massaging the way we think, feel, and evolve as a society.

Chaotic, fascinating, critical, cautionary and optimistic! A mind expanding sociodigital compass to help guide us in these post truth and altered state times.



All The World’s A GenieMo Stage! PlayLa.bZ Spatial CadetZ

DiY Virtual Production And The Making Of A Sci-Fi Experimental Short In 48 Hours with The McLuhan Institute, PlayLa.bZ  & X-Box Gaming Kit. A Free Open Access Multi-dimensional Motion Arts Storytelling Hands On Createch Workshop.

PlayLa.bZ Community Interest Company: A next generation multi award winning, multi-sensory, multi-dimensional motion arts experience design [XD] Createch laboratory, crafting accessible & Changemaking Immersive experiences for social good.

Friday PM

ANANDALA by Kevin Mack

Transcendent multi-dimensional mystical abstract experience, Anandala combines the Sanskrit words, Ananda (bliss) & Mandala: A geometric figure representing the Universe in Hindu & Buddhist symbolism

Kevin Mack is a pioneer of immersive art, computer graphics, and visual effects. He has won an Academy Award for his work on What Dreams May Come, and his work has been exhibited at art and technology events around the world. Mack’s work is inspired by transcendent visions, nature, and technology, and he is using his skills to create new forms of art that can inspire and amaze people.

Friday & Saturday

Babel: What Would We Say To The Gods? by Dr Eleanor Dare & Dr Dylan Yamada-Rice

Join us for a collaborative, multi-dimensional comic happening. Explore the future of technology and AI. Using recycled materials and old tech parts, you’ll build a tower in front of a ML-generated projection. As we build, we’ll discuss the potential dangers and benefits of human omniscience. What would Babel look like today?

Eleanor Dare is an academic and critical technologist with a PhD and MSc in Arts and Computational Technologies from the department of Computing, Goldsmiths. Eleanor was formerly Reader in Digital Media and Head of Programme for MA Digital Direction, at the Royal College of Art. 

Dylan has held academic posts in Childhood Education at the University of Sheffield, Acting Head of Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art and in Immersive Stortelling in the School of Digital Arts at Manchester Met University. 

Friday & Saturday

Musical Alien Family & Alien Choir: Multi-dimensional Mystical Being (Art From Waste) by Dan Knight

Upcycled Interactive Sound Art Machines (Inflable Installation) & Alien Choir Pop Up Surprise

Dan Knight builds sculptures that are larger than life and infused with a celebratory, joyous vibe. Often, their scale makes them feel as though they have emerged from science-fiction or mythological stories. They’re interactive and multi-dimensional, utilizing electrical, wind-generated, or human-generated energy, as well as water and sound.

Friday & Saturday 

The Infinite Monkeys Theorem

Infinite Monkeys with projectors, synthesizers and an infinite amount of time could produce an AV version of “Selected Music From Washing Machines 85-92”. This theorem was tried in real life, but only for a month. The thirteen monkeys involved produced 4 minutes of cow sounds, slammed projectors and synthesizers with a stone and ate 31kg of bananas.

Infinite Monkeys will try it again performing live during this new edition of HACKTSTOCK. Please, don’t expect any art or great performance at HACKSTOCK VII, the Monkeys are not musicians, the Monkeys are not artistic agents, the Monkeys are just Monkeys.

Red Dreamachine 78RPM by Luciana Haill

Luciana Haill is a fine artist who uses brainwave mapping to create art that explores the mind. Her work has been described as a form of ephemeral portraiture, as it captures the brain’s activity in real time.

R.U. Cyber.. R.U. Against NFTs? by R.U. Sirius, MONDO VANILLI, MONDO 2000 History Project & PlayLa.bZ

“Madness radness! The Twenty Twenty’s manifestation of MONDO Vanilli together with MONDO 2000 friends. As we accelerate into a darker cavern built by MONDO’s anarcho-capitalist pals (we were a too-friendly sorts) the cypherpunks, and sink at last into the unalloyed chaos of mass digitization. Now merging with gold-rush obsessions with inauthentic/authentic/inauthentic cryptocurrencies with Joker names and Riddler brandings. All the better to run scams or keep your stash (sort-of) hidden from the man and the rise and fall and vaguely re-arisen moment of the NFT… which I am vaguely against/aghast!” R.U.Sirius

R.U. Sirius is an American writer, editor, musical artist and media pioneer. Known for being one of key cyberpunk and cyberculture movement figures. Mondo 2000 editor-in-chief. A published author, and has written books on topics related to technology, culture and society.

How To Hack Reality by Prof. Stephen E. Dinehart IV

 Embark on a mind-bending journey as we dive into the realm of hacking reality. In this talk, inspired by the principles from my book “Narrative Designer: Fabulator Ludus,” we will explore how the Active Protagonist serves as a catalyst for transforming our world by harnessing the power of good will and conscious manifestation.


Through a fusion of ancient wisdom and contemporary insights, we will unveil the transformative potential within each of us. Drawing upon the rich tapestry of storytelling and gaming traditions, we will explore how the Player-Teller navigates hyperdimensional structures in reality through action, and in the process shapes the world around them.

Saturday PM Afternoon


  1. Special Guest Talks
  2. DiY Createch Maker Workshops,
  3. Immersive Experiences,
  4. Art Exhibition
  5. Sonic Experiments
  6. Comic Workshops
  7. Play Tabletop Games

Spatial CadetZ Pioneers: 

  1. R.U. Sirius,
  2. Mondo Vanilli,
  3. Freaksta,
  4. Stephen Dinehart,
  5. Infinite Monkeys.

I think there are two movements which have really dominated the imagination of the 20th century. One is science fiction. The other is Surrealism.
J.G. Ballard, PsychFi: 1992 Wake Up Calls From The Future


“The atmosphere in the room is electric, & captures the latest upsurge in cyberculture..” Inner Sound, Oxford University Press

“Holograms, robots & furry animals at #Hackstock … it’s a sci fi day out!” LJ Rich, BBC Click Presenter

“Look out for the interactive #Hackstock virtual reality events, too; maybe the future’s fine once you get used to it.” The Guardian, The Ten Best Things To Do This Week

“By presenting sci-fi & counter-culture ideas alongside these emerging new technologies, #Hackstock is encouraging questioning, repurposing & dreaming & as we enter a brave new world of pervasive augmented & mixed realities, that could be a very important thing.” JON WEINEL, Oxford University Press



FRI: 1.00PM – 10.00PM
SAT: Noon – 10.00PM
SUN: Noon – 6.00PM