SCI-FI-LONDON would like to thank the team who helped the event and operation.
Founder and Festival Director: Louis Savy
Festival Producer: Marta Calderon Quiñones
Programming: Marta Calderon Quiñones / Louis Savy
Marketing: Andrew Power
PR: Wez and Keir at Strike Media
Outreach Team: Kevin Scott
Social Media Jedi: Georgie Knight
Staff Manager: Ann Palomares, Alice Maestrini
Hackstock Curation: James Marks, Marius Matesan
Panel Border Curation: Alex Fitch
Thomas Atherton
Henry Chebaane
Niels Stevens
Rachel and Ayrton Harper
Jonathan Cowie
Robert Grant
Suzanne Gorman
All the management and staff at our venues
All our volunteers – you folk are amazing!
And many more who haven’t been listed here.