Connect with London’s smartest film-watching crowd, meet with amazing filmmakers, and connect with our fantastic audience!

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Over 20 years old
We started our festival because we love science fiction film, we love science and technology, and we care about the future.  

A captive audience
We love our festival and all those who come and connect with us.  As well as the build-up to the festival, we offer our sponsors a window into the minds of our audience. If you want to properly interact with smart, affluent and damn right fabulous people then get involved with us today.

We offer many touchpoints including:


  • Your logo on all print media including tagging on ads in our media partners.
  • Full-page ad in the festival’s souvenir programme
  • Mention and logo in flyers distributed across London
  • Shoutouts and competitions to our social media network (around 35k subs)
  • Video (cinema) messages played in front of all film screenings and online
  • PoS opportunities, sampling and literature distributed
  • Festival audience questionnaires/polls and data capture
  • Overall exposure through all partners in excess of 5 million OTV.

And this is just part of what we can offer you, lots of media attention, great audiences who trust us to show them cool new things, a vocal crowd of ABC1s with disposable income, a cool London event with an international profile.

We are an internationally renowned independent film festival with a smart, affluent, vocal, cinema-going audience. Not a convention, not full of stalls selling toys and memorabilia, but a showcase for some of the best science fiction film from around the world.

SCI-FI-LONDON Film Festival is a significant contributor to London’s film cultural life. The strong audiences achieved by its screenings are a testament both to the city’s appetite for science fiction film and to the work the festival does in bringing new audiences to the genre.Film London

Our website, provides a year-round integrated portal with news, reviews, social networking and competitions. 

To discuss your involvement contact:
Louis Savy (Festival Director)
Email: louis [@]